Waters conservation
Conservation and protection of waters play a major role in improving flood control. The job involves keeping embankments and dams free of excessive growth. As the bank borders are the habitat of many rare animal species, these areas must be treated with special care. The cut grass must be removed to avoid any unintended fertilizing of embankment and water, and to ensure unimpeded draining of flood water.
Applications in water management
The double blade cutter DSW 1900 effortlessly cuts grass and reed over a width of 1.90 m. Then, the cut material is collected with the rotary rake KH 2500. The mowing basket MKB 2450 has been specifically adjusted to MULAG power arms. The kinematics of the MULAG power arms and the adjusted design of the mowing basket make it easy to mow and collect long grass and reed from ditches over a width of 2.45 m.
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