Content provider
MULAG Fahrzeugwerk
Heinz Wössner GmbH u. Co. KG
Gewerbestraße 8
77728 Oppenau
Phone +49 7804 913-0
Fax +49 7804 913-149
E-Mail info(at)mulag.com
Web www.mulag.com
Managing directors Holger Wössner | Uwe Meißner
Register court Amtsgericht Freiburg
Registration HRA 490093
VAT registration number DE 142 540 175
Legal notice and copyright
Liability notice
The content on our website was thoroughly reviewed by MULAG Fahrzeugwerk GmbH u Co KG and/or checked by third party verification. Neither MULAG Fahrzeugwerk GmbH u Co KG nor any third party take on responsibility for the correctness, completeness or actuality of the given information which is subject to changes without notice. Despite thorough review of any external content links we refuse any liability for them. We'd like to emphasize that only the respective third party content provider is responsible for his website content.
Content and design of our website are under copyright of MULAG Fahrzeugwerk GmbH u Co KG. Any means of copying or reproducing information, photos or other content need the written approval of MULAG Fahrzeugwerk.